Sacred Heart College: String Ensemble 2025
About String Ensemble 2025
Yr: 9, Yr: 10, Yr: 11, Yr: 12, Yr: 13
Teacher in Charge: Miss Rebecca Bourne
Assistant Teacher: Mr King
Student Leader: Charlotte Prebble
Day: Monday
Time: 1:30pm - 2:20pm
Room: S6
String Ensemble is a great place for all classical string players to come together and perform some music! We welcome anyone who wants to learn and play with SHC’s String Ensemble while learning new skills, making new friends and sharing interests. We rehearse at lunchtime to practice for upcoming events like the Performing Arts Roadshow, Itinerant Music Concerts and more.
For more information, click on 'FEES & TERMS' at the top of the page.
Please register if you would like to join String Ensemble.
String Ensemble 2025 Fees & Terms
Cost: $12.00 NZD
The membership fee for String Ensemble contributes towards a badge, a music workshop, and sheet music.
Please make payment by Eftpos or cash at the school office, or by internet banking into the following account:
Account Name: Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt Board of Trustees
Account Number: 12-3142-0263272-00
Reference: String Ensemble
Code: Please put student name
Cost: $12
Payment Due Date: Friday 28 March 2025
Competition and Event Charges:
Competitions and events will be charged separately, with permission and payment due before the event.
- When you become a member of String Ensemble you must be fully committed to the group and attend every rehearsal and event/competition. You are expected to tell the teacher in charge if you are unable to attend any practices.
- Appropriate school behaviour and school attendance standards are a requirement for a student to participate in extra-curricular activities.
String Ensemble 2025
Thank you for your interest. Registration is currently closed.
Contact Information
For enquiries, please contact:
Mr Mike Isaacs
Teacher in Charge of Concert Band
Head of Department of Performing Arts
Email: [email protected]
Mrs Rachael Widrig
Performing Arts Administrator
[email protected]