Grade 3 - 8 $22.00 per student per class. A 10-week term will cost $220.
Accounts are sent out at the beginning of each term. The fees are for a full term's tuition and are based on the number of students in the class, as shown on the return form, and the number of lessons available during that term.
Payment is due in advance. Fees are invoiced at the start of each term and are due 21 days from the date of invoice. Invoices will include a 10% late payment fee which will be deducted if paid within 21 days of the date of invoice. If payment is not made within the period the client will be liable for all costs of recovery and any collection fees.
If a student wishes to withdraw from speech and drama lessons, their parent must contact Rebecca Reed. A half term's notice of fee payment is expected.
Lessons missed by the student will not be refunded. (All students have a timetable).
Note, some financial assistance for lessons may be available for families who are currently experiencing financial hardship. Contact Mike Isaacs to enquire before registering for lessons.
Added to the Term One Account are:
- One off admin fee of $35.00.
Added to the Term Two Account is:
- Examination Fee. This varies according to the grade. (The 2024 fee for Grade 4 was $183.00).
Added to the Term Three Account is:
- $20 for the Speech NZ Examinations Lapel Pin and certificate for Grade 3 to Grade 8 students.
Examinations are usually held in September at another venue in Lower Hutt. They are conducted by an independent examiner from the New Zealand Speech Board (Speech New Zealand).