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New students starting school who require a uniform fitting before school starts, please email [email protected] for an appointment time.
Note: The uniform shop is now located in P2, the second prefab on the right when entering through the main gates. There is no parking available in the school grounds.
Opening Hours
Monday | 8.00am - 9.00am | |
Tuesday | 1.00pm - 3.00pm | |
Thursday | 8.00am - 9.00am |
Sacred Heart College Uniform Shop
Mrs Dianne Trlin, Manager
04-566 1089 xtn 223
[email protected]
Bank Account ASB 12-3478-0057579-00
When ordering online, please pay by internet banking at the time of ordering.
Purchases from the school uniform shop can be paid by Eftpos, payWave, credit card or Government payments. (Please note credit card and payWave purchases incur a 2% charge on the total payment). Cash is no longer accepted.
Alterations available - please ring Maud on 045675081.
SHC secondhand uniform buy/sell Facebook Group
Sport Uniform and extras
Please refer to the Sport Uniform page for full details of what the school provides and what needs to be purchased : Sport Uniform
View SHC Uniform Regulations here