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Sacred Heart College has two school counsellors who are registered members of the NZ Association of Counselling (NZAC).
Mrs Dannie Fugler works Monday to Friday and Ms Kirsten Edie works Thursday and Friday.
There are times in a young person's life when they may find it helpful to talk to someone about how they are feeling and what they are experiencing. A school counsellor is someone who will listen, without judgement, and work with the young person to help them explore and understand their situation more clearly.
Counselling is a safe space to talk about anything that is relevant and important to you.
School counsellors are bound by confidentiality – this means not telling anyone about your private information without your knowledge and permission.
Very rarely, when you or someone else is in serious danger, counsellors cannot keep this confidential, because of their duty to prevent harm. In this situation the counsellors will talk this through with you first before acting, if at all possible.
Contact Us
Request an appointment – [email protected]. We will respond to your school email address with a possible day/time for your first appointment.
As a parent, if you wish to get in touch with us, you can contact us via email or by calling the school on 04-566 1089.
Guidance Counsellor
Guidance Counsellor
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