
Drama is offered as a full year option at Years 11, 12 and 13. At Year 10 we have a combined Performing Arts class which also incorporates musical and backstage skills. More information on drama as a subject can be found in our course information through this link Drama Curriculum.


In past years we have had student written and directed productions such as "Missing Time" and "Malfunctions of Being Human", which were wonderful.  The students involved worked hard to create interesting pieces that had an impact with everyone who saw them.

We have also had our Drama and Music departments team up with St Bernard's College (SBC) for a production of "For Today", a musical full of iconic New Zealand music.

There will be many more productions to look forward in the future.

Sgcnz Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival

Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival

A competition in which students perform 5-15 minute scenes from Shakespeare.

O'Shea Shield

A Catholic secondary school public speaking competition, part of which is a drama performance inspired by a piece of scripture.


An event incorporating drama, technology, music and dance.  This competition involves students creating a 10-minute performance with an important message or story.

If you unsure whether Drama is for you, check out these videos.

Why Study Drama

Drama Nz Why Study Drama